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 发表时间:2014-11-10 阅读次数:3366


    If you are a Master's student at Tongji University wishing to carry out research leading to a PhD degree in the United Kingdom,
you   may  like  to  note  that  the  University  of   Edinburgh provides 20 fee scholarships supplemented by  an equal  number  of
connected  supplementary  awards by  the  China  Scholarship  Council (CSC)  that  cover  living  expenses. Details   are  available
at this URL.
    As these scholarships are very competitive, the best way to apply for them is to identify a supervisor in your subject of interest
and  communicate  with  them  via email so they can  support you  in the process. University of  Edinburgh and Tongji  University
have  collaborated  in  the fields  of  structural   engineering  and  fire  safety  engineering  for over six years  and  several Tongji
University   students   have   already graduated  with PhD  degree from the University of Edinburgh.  If you  are interested in this
opportunity please contact Professor Asif Usmani of the School of Engineering (asif.usmani@ed.ac.uk).

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